uterine placenta
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Placenta accreta — Classification and external resources Types of placenta accreta ICD 10 O73.0 … Wikipedia
placenta — [ plasɛ̃ta ] n. m. • 1642; placente « gâteau, galette » 1540; mot lat. 1 ♦ Masse charnue et spongieuse richement vascularisée, qui adhère à l utérus par un grand nombre de prolongements et communique avec le fœtus par le cordon ombilical. Chez… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Uterine fibroid — Uterine fibroids Classification and external resources Uterine Fibroids ICD 10 D25 … Wikipedia
Placenta praevia — (placenta previa AE) is an obstetric complication in which the placenta has attached to the uterine wall close to or covering the cervix [http://www.uabhealth.org/15407/] . It can some times occur in the latter part of the first trimester, but… … Wikipedia
placenta previa — placenta pre·via prē vē ə n, pl placentae pre·vi·ae vē .ē an abnormal implantation of the placenta at or near the internal opening of the uterine cervix so that it tends to precede the child at birth usu. causing severe maternal hemorrhage * * *… … Medical dictionary
Uterine cancer — Classification and external resources Malignant tumor of the uterus ICD 10 C54 ICD … Wikipedia
Uterine clear cell carcinoma — Classification and external resources ICD 10 C54.1 ICD 9 182 Uterine clear cell carcinom … Wikipedia
placenta — (n.) 1670s, from Mod.L. placenta uterina uterine cake (so called 16c. by Italian anatomist Realdo Colombo), from L. placenta flat cake, from Gk. plakoenta, accusative of plakoeis flat, related to plax anything flat, from PIE *plak , extended form … Etymology dictionary
uterine artery — n an artery that arises from the internal iliac artery and after following a course between the layers of the broad ligament reaches the uterus at the cervix and supplies the uterus and adjacent parts and during pregnancy the placenta * * *… … Medical dictionary
placenta — [plə sen′tə] n. pl. placentas or placentae [plə sen′tē] [ModL < L, lit., a cake < Gr plakounta, acc. of plakous, a flat cake < plax (gen. plakos), a flat object < IE base * plāk , flat > L placere, to PLEASE] 1. Anat. Zool. a) a… … English World dictionary