- capsulorrhexis
- Technique used in cataract surgery by which a continuous circular tear is made in the anterior lens capsule. [L. capsula, capsule, + G. rhexis, rupture]
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n.a surgical procedure in which a continuous circular tear is made in the lens capsule of the eye. In anterior capsulorrhexis, performed during cataract surgery, the tear is made in the anterior surface of the capsule. It has the advantage over a capsulotomy in making the residual capsule much more resilient to being torn during surgery.* * *
cap·su·lor·rhex·is (kap″su-lo-rekґsis) [capsule + -rrhexis] the making of a continuous circular tear in the anterior part of the lens capsule during cataract surgery in order to allow expression or phacoemulsification of the nucleus of the lens.
Medical dictionary. 2011.