- photoprotection
- pho·to·pro·tec·tion (fo″to-pro-tekґshən) the protection of some cells by exposure to light in the near ultraviolet range prior to exposure to light in the far ultraviolet range.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Photoprotection — La photoprotection désigne tous les moyens, naturels ou artificiels, visant à protéger la peau contre les effets néfastes du rayonnement solaire. Si le soleil a certains effets bénéfiques pour l homme (action antirachitique et antidépressive… … Wikipédia en Français
Photoprotection — The term Photoprotection designates the mechanisms that nature has developed to minimize the damages that the human body suffers when exposed to UV irradiation. These damages are mostly occurring in the skin, but the rest of the body (especially… … Wikipedia
Photoprotection — Der Begriff Photoprotektion bezeichnet die Mechanismen, die die Natur nutzt, um die schädliche Wirkung der UV Strahlung auf die menschliche Haut zu minimieren. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Wirkungsmechanismus 2 Künstliches Melanin 3 Literatur 4… … Deutsch Wikipedia
photoprotection — noun The function, in plants that are adapted to high levels of sunlight, that protects the centres of photosynthesis from damage by excess light, normally by the use of carotenoid pigments See Also: photoprotective … Wiktionary
photoprotection — … Useful english dictionary
National Centre for the Evaluation of Photoprotection — CNEP is a research center for durability prediction and failures analysis of plastics (polymer) materials. The increasing use of plastics in daily life and for high tech applications points out the necessity to improve their reliability. These… … Wikipedia
Photovieillissement accéléré en SEPAP — SEPAP UN OUTIL POUR ÉVALUER LA DURÉE DE VIE DES MATIÈRES PLASTIQUES * 4 lampes à vapeur de mercure de 400Watts émettant intensément entre 290 et 450nm * Un contrôle de température de la surface de l échantillon entre 45 °C et 80 … Wikipédia en Français
Autumn leaf color — Japanese Maple leaves (November 22, 2006) … Wikipedia
photochemical reaction — Chemical reaction initiated by absorption of energy in the form of visible (light), ultraviolet, or infrared radiation. Primary photochemical processes occur as an immediate result, and secondary processes may follow. The most important example… … Universalium
Zinc oxide — Other names Zinc white Calamine Identifiers … Wikipedia