- phen(o)-
- [Gr. phainein to show] 1. a combining form denoting a showing or displaying. 2. in chemistry, a prefix denoting a compound derived from benzene.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
phen — phen·acetin; phen·aceturic; phen·a·cyl; phen·a·kis·to·scope; phen·a·kite; phen·an·threne; phen·an·thri·dine; phen·ar·sa·zine; phen·azine; phen·a·zone; phen·ethyl; phen·e·tole; phen·gite; phen·mi·azine; phen·o·men·ic; phen·ox·azine; phen·oxide;… … English syllables
phén- — phén(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. phainein « briller, éclairer ». ⇒PHÉN , voir PHÉNO 1 … Encyclopédie Universelle
Phen — [↑ Phen ], das; s, e: selten gebrauchte Gruppenbez. für angular anellierte aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe, die sich formal von Phenanthren ableiten lassen, z. B. Pentaphen (↑ aphen) … Universal-Lexikon
phen- — [fen] [Fr phén < Gr phainein, to show, shine (see FANTASY): term first used to indicate deriv. from coal tar, a byproduct in manufacturing illuminating gas] combining form of or derived from benzene [phenazine] … English World dictionary
phen — phen: Abk. für 1,10 Phenanthrolin als Ligand in Formeln von Koordinationsverbindungen … Universal-Lexikon
-phen — ↑ aphen … Universal-Lexikon
Phen- — [↑ Phenyl ] Trivialstamm in Bez. von org. Verb., die sich auf Phenol (historischer Name: Phenylhydrat) oder Benzol (historischer frz. Name: phène) beziehen, z. B. Phenylen , Phenacyl , Phenanthren, Phenoxy , phenon. Vgl. Pheno … Universal-Lexikon
phen|yl|ke|to|nu|ri|a — «FEHN uhl KEE tuh NYUR ee uh, FEE nuhl ; NUR », noun. a hereditary disease caused by an inability to metabolize phenylalanine properly in the body, resulting in mental deficiency and poor physical development: »A special diet permits normal brain … Useful english dictionary
phen|yl — «FEHN uhl, FEE nuhl», noun. a univalent radical ( C6H5) occurring in benzene, phenol, and an extensive series of aromatic compounds, formed by removing one hydrogen atom from a benzene molecule. Abbr: Ph (no period). ╂[< French phényle <… … Useful english dictionary
Phen — Original name in latin Phen Name in other language Amphoe Bhen, Amphoe Phen, Ban Moeang Pen, Ban Muang Phen, Muang Phen, Mueang Phen, Phen, phey State code TH Continent/City Asia/Bangkok longitude 17.69614 latitude 102.90689 altitude 180… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
-phén- — phéno , phén , phène ❖ ♦ Éléments de composition de mots de chimie, du grec phainô « j éclaire », introduits « en 1836 par Laurent pour désigner un “radical fondamental” correspondant à la benzine » (H. Cottez) celle ci ayant été isolée dans le… … Encyclopédie Universelle