- cyclothymic personality
- a temperament characterized by rapid, frequent swings between sad and cheerful moods. See also cyclothymic disorder, under disorder.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Cyclothymic personality — (Affective personality) is a DSM II personality disorder. It has the following definition:quotation|This behavior pattern is manifested by recurring and alternating periods of depression and elation. Periods of elation may be marked by ambition,… … Wikipedia
Personality Disorders — Even though upsetting behavior is as old as the human condition, systematic attention to disorders of the personality appears relatively late in the development of psychiatry. On the whole, the asylum generation of psychiatrists had little to… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Циклотимная личность (cyclothymic personality) — Термин «циклотимик» впервые предложил Кальбаум в середине XIX в. для описания того, что тогда называлось циркулярным помешательством. Симптомы представляют собой состояние личности, проявляющееся хроническими, эпизодически повторяемыми… … Психологическая энциклопедия
personality — /perr seuh nal i tee/, n., pl. personalities. 1. the visible aspect of one s character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality. 2. a person as an embodiment of a collection of qualities: He is a curious personality. 3. Psychol. a.… … Universalium
personality — 1. The unique self; the organized system of attitudes and behavioral predispositions by which one feels, thinks, acts, and impresses and establishes relationships with others. 2. An individual with a particular p. pattern. affective p. a chronic… … Medical dictionary
Borderline personality disorder — Classification and external resources ICD 10 F60.3 ICD 9 301.83 … Wikipedia
Two-factor models of personality — The Two Factor Model of Personality is a widely used psychological factor analysis measurement of personality, behavior and temperament. It most often consists of a matrix measuring the factor of introversion and extroversion with some form of… … Wikipedia
disorder — A disturbance of function, structure, or both, resulting from a genetic or embryonic failure in development or from exogenous factors such as poison, trauma, or disease. adjustmen … Medical dictionary
Lyn Yvonne Abramson — (born on February 7, 1950 in Benson, Minnesota) is currently a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin Madison. As a clinical psychologist her main areas of research interest have been exploring vulnerability to major depression… … Wikipedia
cyclothyme — cy·clo·thyme sī klə .thīm n a cyclothymic individual * * * cy·clo·thyme (siґklo thīm) an individual with a cyclothymic personality or exhibiting cyclothymic disorder … Medical dictionary