- camphor
- A ketone distilled from the bark and wood of Cinnamonum camphora, an evergreen tree of Taiwan and Southeast Asia and the adjoining islands, and also prepared synthetically from oil of turpentine; used in a variety of commercial products and as a topical antiinfective and antipruritic agent. [mediev. L., fr. Ar. kafure]- cantharis c. SYN: cantharidin.- c. liniment a mixture of c. and cottonseed oil, or c. and arachis oil; a mild counterirritant. SYN: camphorated oil.- tar c. SYN: naphthalene.
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cam·phor 'kam(p)-fər n a tough gummy volatile aromatic crystalline compound C10H16O obtained esp. from the wood and bark of the camphor tree and used topically as a liniment and mild analgesic, as a plasticizer, and as an insect repellent also any of several similar compounds (as some terpene alcohols and ketones)cam·phor·ic kam-'fȯr-ik, -'fär- adj* * *
n.a crystalline aromatic substance obtained from the tree Cinnamomum camphora. It is used in creams, liniments, and sprays as a counterirritant and antipruritic.* * *
cam·phor (kamґfor) (kamґfər) [L. camphora; Gr. kamphora] [USP] a ketone with a characteristic penetrating odor and a pungent taste, obtained from the wood of Cinnamomum camphora or produced synthetically. It is applied topically to the skin as an antipruritic and antiinfective and is inhaled as a nasal decongestant; it is also used in folk medicine and in Indian medicine. Called also gum c.
Medical dictionary. 2011.