- calorimeter
- An apparatus for measuring the amount of heat liberated in a chemical reaction. [L. calor, heat, + G. metron, measure]- bomb c. an instrument for determining the potential energy of organic substances, including those in foods. It consists of a hollow steel container, lined with platinum and filled with pure oxygen, into which a weighed quantity of substance is placed and ignited with an electric fuse; the heat produced is absorbed by water surrounding the bomb and, from the rise in temperature, the calories liberated are calculated.
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cal·o·rim·e·ter .kal-ə-'rim-ət-ər n any of several apparatuses for measuring quantities of absorbed or evolved heat or for determining specific heats see BOMB CALORIMETER, OXYCALORIMETER* * *
n.any apparatus used to measure the heat lost or gained during various chemical and physical changes. For example, calorimeters may be used to determine the total energy values of different foods in terms of calories.• calorimetry n.* * *
cal·o·rim·e·ter (kal″ə-rimґə-tər) [calori- + -meter] an instrument for measuring the amount of heat exchanged in any system. In physiology, an apparatus for measuring the amount of heat produced by an individual.
Medical dictionary. 2011.