- pars tensa membranae tympanicae
- [TA] the larger portion of the tympanic membrane; it is tense and firm. Called also membrana tensa and membrana vibrans.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
recessus anterior membranae tympanicae — [TA] anterior recess of tympanic membrane: a pocket in the tympanic membrane formed by the tunica mucosa between the anterior malleolar fold and the anterior superior part of the pars tensa of the membrane, ending blindly above … Medical dictionary
recessus posterior membranae tympanicae — [TA] posterior recess of tympanic membrane: a pocket in the tympanic membrane formed by the tunica mucosa between the posterior malleolar fold and the posterior superior part of the pars tensa of the membrane, ending blindly above … Medical dictionary
plica mallearis anterior membranae tympanicae — [TA] anterior malleolar fold of tympanic membrane: the line in the tympanic membrane that extends anteriorly from the malleolar prominence and divides the pars tensa from the pars flaccida … Medical dictionary
plica mallearis posterior membranae tympanicae — [TA] posterior malleolar fold of tympanic membrane: the line in the tympanic membrane that extends posteriorly from the malleolar prominence and divides the pars tensa from the pars flaccida … Medical dictionary
membrana tensa — pars tensa membranae tympanicae … Medical dictionary
membrana vibrans — pars tensa membranae tympanicae … Medical dictionary
БАРАБАННАЯ ПЕРЕПОНКА — (membra na tympani), представляет собой мембрану, отграничивающую наружный слуховой проход от среднего уха. Б. п. прикрепляется своим утолщенным краем к кости (sulcus tympanicus) при помощи фиброзного кольца (annulus tympanicus). В области… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия