pars magnocellularis nuclei rubri
- pars magnocellularis nuclei rubri
- [TA] magnocellular part of red nucleus: in humans, the posterior part of the red nucleus, containing a complement of large multipolar cells; the number of these cells is relatively decreased in comparison to the small cells scattered throughout the nucleus; cf. p. parvocellularis nuclei rubri.
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pars parvocellularis nuclei rubri — [TA] parvocellular part of red nucleus: the complement of small multipolar cells scattered throughout the red nucleus; in humans, these cells predominate over the large cells in the caudal part of the nucleus; cf. p. magnocellularis nuclei rubri … Medical dictionary
magnocellular part of red nucleus — pars magnocellularis nuclei rubri … Medical dictionary
nucleus ruber — [TA] red nucleus: a distinctive oval nucleus (pink in fresh specimens because of an iron containing pigment in many of the cells) centrally placed in the upper mesencephalic reticular formation; it receives fibers from the cerebellar nuclei and… … Medical dictionary