
Systematic practice of various exercises with the object of preserving health and increasing physical strength. [G. kalos, beautiful, + sthenos, strength]

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cal·is·then·ics or Brit cal·lis·then·ics -iks n pl but sing or pl in constr
1) systematic rhythmic bodily exercises performed usu. without apparatus
2) usu sing in constr the art or practice of calisthenics

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cal·is·then·ics (kalis-thenґiks) [Gr. kalos beautiful + sthenic] a system of light gymnastics for promoting strength and grace of carriage.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Calisthenics — Cal is*then ics, n. The science, art, or practice of healthful exercise of the body and limbs, to promote strength, gracefulness, and general fitness; light gymnastics. Syn: calisthenics, calisthenic exercise, callisthenic exercise. [1913 Webster …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • calisthenics — 1847 (calisthenic is from 1839), formed on model of Fr. callisthenie, from Gk. kallos beauty + sthenos strength + ICS (Cf. ics). Originally, gymnastic exercises suitable for girls and meant to develop the figure and promote graceful movement. The …   Etymology dictionary

  • calisthenics — (Brit. callisthenics) ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement. ORIGIN from Greek kallos beauty + sthenos strength …   English terms dictionary

  • calisthenics — [kal΄is then′iks] pl.n. [< Gr kallos, beauty + sthenos, strength + ICS] exercises, such as push ups and sit ups, to develop a strong, trim body; simple gymnastics n. the art of developing bodily strength and gracefulness by such exercises… …   English World dictionary

  • Calisthenics — This article is about the form of physical exercise. For the Australian competitive performing art, see calisthenics (Australia). School children perform sit ups, a common type of calisthenic, during a school fitness …   Wikipedia

  • calisthenics — calisthenic, calisthenical, adj. /kal euhs then iks/, n. 1. (used with a pl. v.) gymnastic exercises designed to develop physical health and vigor, usually performed with little or no special apparatus. 2. (used with a sing. v.) the art, practice …   Universalium

  • calisthenics — n. 1) to do calisthenics 2) daily; group, mass calisthenics …   Combinatory dictionary

  • calisthenics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction Etymology: Greek kalos beautiful + sthenos strength Date: 1827 1. systematic rhythmic bodily exercises performed usually without apparatus 2. usually singular in construction the art or …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • calisthenics — [[t]kæ̱lɪsθe̱nɪks[/t]] also callisthenics N PLURAL Calisthenics are simple exercises that you can do to keep fit and healthy …   English dictionary

  • calisthenics — noun a) Gymnastic exercises, especially morning exercises, done to keep ones body healthy. b) A system of such exercises …   Wiktionary

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