- vasomotor paralysis
- paralysis of vasomotor muscles; see also vasoparesis. Called also angioparalysis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Paralysis — Loss of voluntary movement (motor function). Paralysis that affects only one muscle or limb is partial paralysis, also known as palsy; paralysis of all muscles is total paralysis, as may occur in cases of botulism. * * * 1. Loss of power of… … Medical dictionary
vasoparesis — A mild degree of vasoparalysis. SYN: angioparesis, vasomotor paralysis. [vaso + G. paresis, weakness] * * * vaso·pa·re·sis (va″zo ) (vas″o pə reґsis) [vaso + paresis] partial vasomotor paralysis (q.v.); called also angioparesis … Medical dictionary
angioneuropathy — A vascular disorder attributed to an abnormality of the autonomic nervous system fibers supplying the blood vessel s ( i.e., the vasomotor system. * * * an·gio·neu·rop·a·thy (an″je o n ropґə the) … Medical dictionary
angioparalysis — SYN: vasoparalysis. * * * an·gio·pa·ral·y·sis (an″je o pə ralґə sis) [angio + paralysis] vasomotor paralysis … Medical dictionary
syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… … Medical dictionary
nervous system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction system that conducts stimuli from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord and that conducts impulses back to other parts of the body. As with other higher vertebrates, the human nervous system has two main… … Universalium
drug — drug1 /drug/, n., v., drugged, drugging. n. 1. Pharm. a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well being. 2. (in federal law) a. any substance… … Universalium
Drug — /droog/, n. Zoroastrianism. the cosmic principle of disorder and falsehood. Cf. Asha. [ < Avestan drauga] * * * I Any chemical agent that affects the function of living things. Some, including antibiotics, stimulants, tranquilizers,… … Universalium
Guedel's classification — Since the invention of anesthesia in 1846, assessment of its depth was a problem. To determine the depth of anesthesia, anesthetist must rely on a series of physical signs of the patient. In 1847, John Snow (1813 1858) [ John Snow. Five stages of … Wikipedia
Sign — Any abnormality that indicates a disease process, such as a change in appearance, sensation, or function, that is observed by a physician when evaluating a patient. * * * 1. Any abnormality indicative of disease, discoverable on examination of… … Medical dictionary