- paralalia literalis
- incorrect utterance of certain consonant sounds, often as part of stuttering. Called also literal paraphasia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
paralalia — Any speech defect; especially one in which one letter is habitually substituted for another. [para + G. lalia, talking] p. literalis SYN: stammering. * * * para·la·lia lā lē ə n a speech disorder marked by distortions of sounds or substitution of … Medical dictionary
literal paraphasia — paralalia literalis … Medical dictionary
stammering — 1. A speech disorder characterized by hesitation and repetition of words, or by mispronunciation or transposition of certain consonants, especially l, r, and s. 2. Sounds other than speech, that are similar to s.. SYN: paralalia literalis,… … Medical dictionary
Stottern — Stottern, 1) (Balbuties, Paralalia respiratoria s. syllabaris), momentanes Unvermögen ein Wort od. eine Sylbe hervorzubringen, ein häufig bes. bei jüngeren Individuen vorkommender Sprachfehler; meistens sind dabei zwar alle zum Sprechen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon