pyloric orifice

pyloric orifice
ostium pyloricum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • pyloric valve — n PYLORIC SPHINCTER * * * a prominent circular fold of mucous membrane in the stomach near the pyloric orifice …   Medical dictionary

  • Pyloric stenosis — Narrowing (stenosis) of the outlet of the stomach so that food cannot pass easily from it into the duodenum, resulting in feeding problems and projectile vomiting. The obstruction can be corrected by a relatively simple surgical procedure. * * *… …   Medical dictionary

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  • ostium pyloricum — [TA] pyloric orifice or opening: the orifice between the pylorus of the stomach and the duodenum. Called also gastric or pyloric outlet …   Medical dictionary

  • constriction — 1. [TA] A normally or pathologically constricted or narrowed portion of a structure. SYN: constrictio [TA]. SEE ALSO: stricture, stenosis. 2. The act or process of binding or contracting, becoming narrowed; the condition of being constricted.… …   Medical dictionary

  • prepyloric atresia — congenital obstruction of the pyloric orifice of the stomach by an antral or pyloric membrane; infants vomit gastric contents only. Called also pyloric a …   Medical dictionary

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