organs of special sense
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Sense — In biology and medicine, the faculty of sensory reception. The ability to convey specific types of external or internal stimuli to the brain and perceive them. Sensory reception occurs through a process known as transduction in which stimuli are… … Medical dictionary
sense — /sens/, n., v., sensed, sensing. n. 1. any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body. 2. these faculties collectively. 3. their operation… … Universalium
sense — /sɛns / (say sens) noun 1. each of the special faculties connected with bodily organs by which human beings and other animals perceive external objects and their own bodily changes (commonly reckoned as sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch). 2 …
sense — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French or Latin; Anglo French sen, sens sensation, feeling, mechanism of perception, meaning, from Latin sensus, from sentire to perceive, feel; perhaps akin to Old High German sinnan to go, strive,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Special homology — Homology Ho*mol o*gy, n. [Gr. ? agreement. See {Homologous}.] 1. The quality of being homologous; correspondence; relation; as, the homologyof similar polygons. [1913 Webster] 2. (Biol.) Correspondence or relation in type of structure in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
organ — Any part of the body exercising a specific function, as of respiration, secretion, or digestion. SYN: organum [TA], organon. [L. organum, fr. G. organon, a tool, instrument] accessory organs 1. SYN … Medical dictionary
organa sensuum — [TA] sense organs: organs that receive stimuli that give rise to sensations, i.e., organs that translate certain forms of energy into nerve impulses that are perceived as special sensations; they are characterized by highly specialized… … Medical dictionary
projection — 1. A pushing out; an outgrowth or protuberance. 2. The referring of a sensation to the object producing it. 3. A defense mechanism by which a repressed complex in the individual is denied and conceived as belonging to another person, as when… … Medical dictionary
neuroepithelium — Epithelial cells specialized for the reception of external stimuli. Most neuroepithelial cells, notably the hair cells of the inner ear and the receptor cells of the taste buds, are not true neurons but transducer cells that stand in synaptic… … Medical dictionary
caput — [TA] SYN: head. [L.] c. angulare quadrati labii superioris SYN: levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (muscle). c. breve [TA] SYN: short head. c. breve musculi bicipitis brachii [TA] SYN: short head of biceps brachii. c. breve musculi bicipitis… … Medical dictionary