- ophthalmophacometer
- oph·thal·mo·pha·com·e·ter (of-thal″mo-fa-komґə-tər) [ophthalmo- + phacometer] an ophthalmometer used to determine the refractive power of the lens.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Marius Tscherning — Marius Hans Erik Tscherning (December 11, 1854 1939) was a Danish ophthalmologist. He studied ophthalmology under Edmund Hansen Grut (1831 1907) in Copenhagen, later becoming an adjunct director at the ophthalmological laboratory at the Sorbonne… … Wikipedia
oftalmofacómetro — Eng. Ophthalmophacometer Variedad de oftalmómetro que se emplea para medir el radio de la curvatura del cristalino … Diccionario de oftalmología