vestibular nuclei

vestibular nuclei
nuclei vestibulares.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Vestibular nuclei — Brain: Vestibular nuclei Dissection of brain stem. Dorsal view. (Caption for Vestibular nucleus is visible at left.) Latin nuclei vestibulares Gray s …   Wikipedia

  • vestibular nerve — n a branch of the auditory nerve that consists of bipolar neurons with cell bodies collected in the vestibular ganglion, with peripheral processes passing to the semicircular canals, utricle, and saccule, and with central processes passing to the …   Medical dictionary

  • Vestibular nerve — Nerve: Vestibular nerve Inner ear illustration showing semicircular canal, hair cells, ampulla, cupula, vestibular nerve, fluid …   Wikipedia

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  • vestibular reflexes — the reflexes for maintaining the position of the eyes and body in relation to changes in orientation of the head; the neural pathways are complex, traveling from the vestibular nerve to the vestibular nuclei and thence to the involved muscles of… …   Medical dictionary

  • vestibular ataxia — ataxia with vertigo, nystagmus, nausea, and vomiting, caused by a lesion in the brainstem, vestibular nuclei, or vestibulocochlear nerve …   Medical dictionary

  • vestibular nucleus — n any of four nuclei in the medulla oblongata on each side of the floor of the fourth ventricle of the brain in which fibers of the vestibular nerve terminate see INFERIOR VESTIBULAR NUCLEUS, LATERAL VESTIBULAR NUCLEUS, MEDIAL VESTIBULAR NUCLEUS …   Medical dictionary

  • Cochlear nuclei — Brain: Cochlear nuclei Dissection of brain stem. Dorsal view. ( Cochlear nucleus is labeled on left, fifth from the bottom.) …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral vestibular nucleus — Brain: Lateral vestibular nucleus Terminal nuclei of the vestibular nerve, with their upper connections. (Schematic.) 1. Cochlear nerve, with its two nuclei. 2. Accessory nucleus. 3. Tuberculum acusticum. 4. Vestibular nerve. 5. Internal nucleus …   Wikipedia

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