
SYN: bulb (1). [L. a plant bulb]
- b. aortae SYN: aortic bulb.
- b. cordis a transitory dilation in the embryonic heart where the arterial trunk joins the ventral roots of the aortic arches.
- b. cornus posterioris [TA] SYN: bulb of occipital horn. SYN: bulb of posterior horn of lateral ventricle of brain.
- b. duodeni ampulla of duodenum.
- b. oculi [TA] SYN: eyeball.
- b. olfactorius [TA] SYN: olfactory bulb.
- b. penis [TA] SYN: bulb of penis.
- b. pili SYN: bulb of hair.
- b. urethrae SYN: bulb of penis.
- b. venae jugularis [TA] SYN: bulb of jugular vein.
- b. vestibuli vaginae [TA] SYN: bulb of vestibule.

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bul·bus 'bəl-bəs n, pl bul·bi -.bī, -.bē a bulb-shaped anatomical part

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bul·bus (bulґbəs) gen. and pl. bulґbi [L.] bulb: a rounded mass or enlargement.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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