
An insect belonging to the suborder Heteroptera. For organisms so called, see the specific term.
- assassin b. an insect of the family Reduviidae (order Hemiptera) that inflicts irritating, painful bites in animals and humans; related to the cone-nosed bugs (triatomines), a vector of American trypanosomiasis. [Fr., fr. It. assassino, fr. Ar. hashshashin, those addicted to hashish]
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buccal ganglion

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bug 'bəg n
1 a) an insect or other creeping or crawling invertebrate animal (as a spider) not used technically
b) any of various insects commonly considered esp. obnoxious: as (1) BEDBUG (2) COCKROACH (3) HEAD LOUSE
c) any of the order Hemiptera and esp. of its suborder Heteroptera of insects that have sucking mouthparts, forewings thickened at the base, and that lack a pupal stage between the immature stages and the adult called also true bug
2 a) a disease-producing microorganism and esp. a germ
b) a disease caused by such microorganisms esp any of various respiratory conditions (as influenza or grippe) of virus origin

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(bug) 1. an insect of the order Hemiptera. 2. any of various other arthropods.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • bug — bug1 [bug] n. [prob. < BUG2] 1. any of an order (Hemiptera) of insects with sucking mouthparts and with forewings thickened toward the base, as a water bug or squash bug: also called true bug 2. any small arthropod, esp. if regarded as a pest …   English World dictionary

  • bug — [ bɶg ] n. m. • v. 1975; mot angl. « bestiole nuisible » ♦ Inform. ⇒ 2. bogue. Des bugs. ● bug nom masculin (américain bug, défaut) Synonyme de bogue. ● bug (synonymes) nom masculin (américain bug, défaut) Synonymes …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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