BUFOTÉNINE — Alcaloïde indolique isolé pour la première fois des glandes cutanées des crapauds (Bufo sp.). Il s’agit, en réalité, d’un dérivé de la sérotonine, la N,N diméthyl sérotonine. Administrée à l’homme, la bufoténine provoque des effets mixtes,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bufotenine — Bufoténine Bufoténine Structure de la bufoténine Général Nom IUPAC 5 hydroxy N, N diméthytryptamine … Wikipédia en Français
Bufoténine — Structure de la bufoténine Général Nom IUPAC 5 hydroxy N,N diméthyltryptamine … Wikipédia en Français
bufotenine — [byo͞o΄fə ten′ēn΄, byo͞o΄fə ten′in] n. [< ModL Bufo, genus name (< L, toad) + ten (< ?) + INE3] a poisonous hallucinogenic alkaloid, C12H16N2O, extracted from toadstools and the skin glands of toads (genus Bufo) or made synthetically … English World dictionary
bufotenine — /byooh feuh ten een, in/, n. Pharm. a hallucinogenic bufotoxin derivative, C12H16N2O, used experimentally for its digitalislike action on the heart. Also, bufotenin /byooh feuh ten in/. [1900 05; < L bufo toad + ten (perh. < Gk tén(on) sinew,… … Universalium
bufotenine and hallucinations — Bufotenine is also known as bufotenin, dimethyl serotonin, 5 OH dimethyltryptamine (5 OH DMT), N,N dimethyl 5 hydroxytryptamine, and mappine. The name bufotenine was suggested in 1893 by the French scientists Césaire Auguste Phisalix (1852… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
bufotenine — (= 3 (2 (dimethylamino) ethyl) 1H indol 5 ol; mappine) ) An indole alkaloid with hallucinogenic effects, isolated from Piptadenia spp. (Mimosidae) ; first isolated from skin glands of toad ( Bufo sp.) … Dictionary of molecular biology
bufotenine — noun An alkaloid, found in the skins of some toads, related to serotonin … Wiktionary
bufotenine — n. hallucinogenic alkaloid present in certain plants and animals … English contemporary dictionary
bufotenine — bu·fo·ten·ine … English syllables