
See b. (muscle).

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buc·ci·na·tor 'bək--.nāt-ər n a thin broad muscle forming the wall of the cheek and serving to compress the cheek against the teeth and to retract the angle of the mouth called also buccinator muscle

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a muscle of the cheek that has its origin in the maxilla and mandible (jaw bones). It is responsible for compressing the cheek and is important in mastication.

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buc·ci·na·tor (bukґsĭ-natər) [L. âœtrumpeterâ] see under musculus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Buccinator — can refer to: * buccinator muscle * buccinator artery ( buccal in modern sources) * buccinator nerve ( buccal in modern sources) * buccinator lymph node …   Wikipedia

  • buccinator — BUCCINATÓR, buccinatori, s.m. Muşchi facial cu ajutorul căruia poate fi expulzat, cu putere, aerul din plămâni. – Din fr. buccinateur. Trimis de valeriu, 21.03.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  buccinatór s. m., pl. buccinatóri Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Buccinātor — (lat.), 1) Hornbläser, s.u. Buccina 2); 2) (Musculus buccinator, Bucco, Tromptenmuskel), der die Wandung der Backen (s.d.) bildende und beim Blasen sich vorwölbende Backenmuskel; daher Buccinatorius, zu den Backen gehörig; so: Buccinatoria… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Buccinator — Buc ci*na tor, n. [L., a trumpeter, fr. bucinare to sound the trumpet.] (Anat.) A muscle of the cheek; so called from its use in blowing wind instruments. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • buccinator — [buk′sə nāt΄ər] n. [L, trumpeter < pp. of buccinare, to blow a trumpet < buccina, a trumpet < * boucana < bos, ox, COW1 + canere, to sing: see CHANT] the flat muscle of the cheek, which compresses it and retracts the corners of the… …   English World dictionary

  • Buccinator — Musculus buccinator Ursprung Ober und Unterkiefer (Processus alveolaris) Ansatz Mundwinkel Funkt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • buccinator — buccinatory /buk seuh neuh tawr ee, tohr ee, buk seuh nay teuh ree/, adj. /buk seuh nay teuhr/, n. Anat. a thin, flat muscle lining the cheek, the action of which contracts and compresses the cheek. [1665 75; < NL; L buccinator, bucinator… …   Universalium

  • buccinator — buc|cina̱tor [aus lat. bucinator = Hornbläser], Gen.: ...nato̱ris, Pl.: ...nato̱res: erläuternder, charakterisierender Bestandteil der fachspr. Fügung ↑Musculus buccinator …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • buccinator — buc•ci•na•tor [[t]ˈbʌk səˌneɪ tər[/t]] n. anat. a thin, flat muscle of the cheek region, the action of which contracts and compresses the cheek • Etymology: 1665–75; < NL; L buccinātor, būcinātor trumpeter …   From formal English to slang

  • BUCCINATOR Nominum — dictus est apud Romanos olim, servus publicus, qui praeconem comitabatur. Eius mentio Romae viâ Salariâ: L. VOLUSIO. URBANO. NOMENCLATORI. PRAETORI. PAPIAS. SERVOS. PUBLICUS. BUCCINATOR. NOMINUM. Vide Laur. Pignorium Comm. de Servis, et infra,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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