- bubo
- Inflammatory swelling of one or more lymph node s, usually in the groin; the confluent mass of nodes usually suppurates and drains pus. [G. boubon, the groin, a swelling in the groin]- chancroidal b. an ulcerating b., due to Haemophilus ducreyi. SYN: virulent b..- tropical b. SYN: venereal lymphogranuloma.- venereal b. an enlarged gland in the groin associated with any sexually transmitted disease, especially chancroid.- virulent b. SYN: chancroidal b..
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n.a swollen inflamed lymph node in the armpit or groin, commonly developing in some sexually transmitted diseases (e.g. soft sore), bubonic plague, and leishmaniasis.* * *
bu·bo (buґbo) [L., from Gr. boubōn groin] a tender, enlarged, and inflamed lymph node, particularly in the axilla or groin, due to such infections as plague, syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, and tuberculosis. bubonic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.