
A harsh or musical intermittent auscultatory sound, especially an abnormal one. [Fr.]
- aneurysmal b. blowing murmur heard over an aneurysm.
- carotid b. a systolic murmur heard in the neck but not at the aortic area; any b. produced by turbulent blood flow in a carotid artery.
- b. de canon the loud first heart sound heard intermittently in complete atrioventricular block and in interference-dissociation when the ventricles happen to contract shortly after the atria. SYN: cannon sound.
- b. de claquement (broo-e′ de klak-maw′) the sound of cardiac clicks. See click.
- b. de cuir neuf (broo-e′ de kwer nuf) the sound of new leather (also b. de craquement); a creaking pericardial friction sound heard mainly in chronic pericarditis.
- b. de diable SYN: venous hum. [Fr. humming-top]
- b. de frolement (broo-e′ de frol′maw) a rough, rustling sound made by a pleural or pericardial friction rub. [Fr. rustling]
- b. de galop SYN: gallop. [Fr.]
- b. de la roue de moulin gurgling or splashing mill-wheel sounds heard when both fluid and air are present in the pericardial sac. [Fr. mill]
- b. de lime introduced by R. Laënnec to describe a rough rasping murmur. [Fr. file]
- b. de rappel applied by J. B. Bouillaud to describe the cadence of a split-second heart sound, or of the second sound followed by an opening snap or early third heart sound. SYN: double-shock sound. [Fr. drum-beat]
- b. de Roger SYN: Roger murmur.
- b. de scie (broo-e′ de se) a harsh heart murmur heard in systole and diastole that produces a sound resembling that of a saw. [Fr. saw]
- b. de scie ou de rape introduced by R. Laënnec to describe harsh, rasping murmurs. [Fr. saw, rasp]
- b. de soufflet introduced by R. Laënnec to describe a blowing murmur. [Fr. bellows]
- b. de tabourka a loud tambourlike or bell-like second heart sound heard at the aortic area in syphilitic aortitis. [Fr. tambour]
- b. de tambour (broo-e′ de tam-bur′) reverberating, musical tone heard as the second heart sound over the aortic area, associated with past syphilitic aortic valvular disease. SYN: tambour sound. [Fr. sound of drum]
- b. de triolet introduced by L. Gallavardin to describe the triple cadence produced by a systolic click added to the first and second heart sounds. [Fr. a little trio]
- Roger b. (broo-e′) SYN: Roger murmur.
- systolic b. any abnormal sound or any murmur heard during systole.
- thyroid b. vascular murmur heard over hyperactive thyroid gland, due to increased blood flow.
- Traube b. SYN: gallop.

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bruit 'brü-ē n any of several generally abnormal sounds heard on auscultation <an audible \bruit produced by an artery>

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a sharp or harsh systolic sound, heard on auscultation, that is due to turbulent blood flow in a peripheral artery, usually the carotid or iliofemoral artery. Bruits can also be heard over arteriovenous fistula or malformations.

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(brwe) (brt) [Fr.] sound (def. 3).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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