
A genus of encapsulated, nonmotile bacteria (family Brucellaceae) containing short, rod-shaped to coccoid, Gram-negative cells. These organisms do not produce gas from carbohydrates, are parasitic, invading all animal tissues and causing infection of the genital organs, the mammary gland, and the respiratory and intestinal tracts, and are pathogenic for humans and various species of domestic animals. The type species is B. melitensis.
- B. abortus a bacterial species that causes abortion in cows (bovine brucellosis), mares, and sheep, undulant fever in humans, and a wasting disease in chickens. SYN: abortus bacillus.
- B. canis a bacterial species causing epididymitis, brucellosis, and abortion in dogs; occasionally causes human disease.
- B. melitensis a bacterial species that causes brucellosis in humans, abortion in goats, and a wasting disease in chickens; it may infect cows and hogs and be excreted in their milk; it is the type species of the genus B..
- B. suis a bacterial species causing abortion in swine, brucellosis in humans, and a wasting disease in chickens; may also infect horses, dogs, cows, monkeys, goats, and laboratory animals.

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bru·cel·la brü-'sel-ə n
1) cap a genus of nonmotile capsulated bacteria of the family Brucellaceae that cause disease in humans and domestic animals
2) pl -cel·lae -'sel-(.)ē or -cel·las any bacterium of the genus Brucella
Bruce 'brüs Sir David (1855-1931)
British bacteriologist. While on the island of Malta in 1886, Bruce discovered the bacterial cause of undulant or Malta fever; he reported his findings the following year. He called the causal organism Micrococcus melitensis but in 1920 the genus was renamed Brucella in his honor. Also, the disease caused by bacteria of this genus is now usually known as brucellosis. Bruce later did extensive research on trypanosomiasis. In 1894 he investigated nagana in Zululand, and in 1903 he started his investigation of sleeping sickness in Uganda.

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a genus of Gram-negative aerobic spherical or rodlike parasitic bacteria responsible for brucellosis (undulant fever) in humans and contagious abortion in cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats. The principal species are B. abortus and B. melitensis. Brucella ring test is a diagnostic test for brucellosis involving the clumping together of a standard Brucella strain by antibodies in an infected person's serum.

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Bru·cel·la (broo-selґə) [Sir David Bruce, English physician, 1855–1931] a genus of gram-negative, aerobic coccobacilli of the family Brucellaceae, made up of nonmotile cells that require biotin, niacin, thiamine, and sometimes serum for growth; they are animal parasites and pathogens, causing brucellosis, and are transmissible to humans through contact with infected tissue or dairy products.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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