- bronchodilator
- 1. Causing an increase in caliber of a bronchus or bronchial tube. 2. An agent that possesses this power ( e.g., epinephrine, albuterol).
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bron·cho·di·la·tor -dī-'lāt-ər, -'dī-.lāt- also bron·cho·di·la·to·ry -dī-'lāt-ə-rē adj relating to or causing expansion of the bronchial air passages <\bronchodilator activity> <\bronchodilator drugs>bronchodilator n a drug that relaxes bronchial muscle resulting in expansion of the bronchial air passages* * *
n.an agent that causes widening of the air passages by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle. sympathomimetic drugs that stimulate beta receptors, such as formoterol, salbutamol, and terbutaline, are potent bronchodilators and are used for relief of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. These drugs are often administered as aerosols, giving rapid relief, but at high doses they may stimulate the heart. Some anticholinergic drugs (e.g. ipratropium and theophylline) are also used as bronchodilators.* * *
bron·cho·di·la·tor (brong″ko-diґla-tər) (-di-laґtər) 1. dilating or expanding the lumina of air passages of the lungs. 2. an agent that causes expansion of the lumina of the air passages of the lungs.
Medical dictionary. 2011.