Purkinje network
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Purkinje network — noun a network of Purkinje fibers that carry the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles of the heart and causes them to contract • Syn: ↑Purkinje s tissue, ↑Purkinje s system • Hypernyms: ↑cardiac muscle, ↑heart muscle • … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje fiber — noun a specialized cardiac muscle fiber that is part of the Purkinje network • Hypernyms: ↑cardiac muscle, ↑heart muscle • Part Holonyms: ↑Purkinje network, ↑Purkinje s tissue, ↑Purkinje s system * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje's system — noun a network of Purkinje fibers that carry the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles of the heart and causes them to contract • Syn: ↑Purkinje network, ↑Purkinje s tissue • Hypernyms: ↑cardiac muscle, ↑heart muscle •… … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje's tissue — noun a network of Purkinje fibers that carry the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles of the heart and causes them to contract • Syn: ↑Purkinje network, ↑Purkinje s system • Hypernyms: ↑cardiac muscle, ↑heart muscle •… … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje — noun Bohemian physiologist remembered for his discovery of Purkinje cells and the Purkinje network (1787 1869) • Syn: ↑Jan Evangelista Purkinje, ↑Johannes Evangelista Purkinje • Instance Hypernyms: ↑physiologist … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje — n. family name; Johannes Evangelists Purkinje (1789 1869), Bohemian physiologist who discovered the Purkinje cells and the Purkinje network … English contemporary dictionary
Purkinje system — a portion of the conducting system of the heart (systema conducens cordis), usually referring specifically to the Purkinje network (rami subendocardiales) … Medical dictionary
Purkinje's network — n a network of intracardiac conducting tissue made up of syncytial Purkinje fibers that lie in the myocardium and constitute the bundle of His and other conducting tracts which spread out from the sinoatrial node called also Purkinje s system,… … Medical dictionary
Purkinje fiber — n any of the modified cardiac muscle fibers with few nuclei, granulated central cytoplasm, and sparse peripheral striations that make up Purkinje s network … Medical dictionary
Purkinje cell — [pər kin′jē] n. [after J. E. Purkinje (1787 1869), Bohemian physiologist] any of the large neurons that make up the middle layer of the gray cortex of the cerebellum, characterized by a dense network of dendrites on the outer side and a long,… … English World dictionary