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brom·hi·dro·sis .brō-mə-'drō-səsalso .brōm-hə- also bro·mi·dro·sis .brō-mə- n, pl -dro·ses -.sēz foul-smelling sweat

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brom·hi·dro·sis (bro″mĭ-droґsis) [brom- (1) + hidro- + -sis] axillary (apocrine) sweat that has become foul smelling as a result of its bacterial decomposition. Called also bromidrosis and osmidrosis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • bromhidrosis — /broh mi droh sis, brohm hi /, n. Med. the secretion of foul smelling sweat. Also, bromidrosis. Also called osmidrosis. [1865 70; BROM + HIDROSIS] * * * …   Universalium

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