mercurial necrosis
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mercurial stomatitis — mercury stomatitis stomatitis due to mercury poisoning; symptoms include necrotic and ulcerative lesions and discoloration similar to lead lines of the gingivae, soreness of gums, strong metallic taste, foul breath, ptyalism, and necrosis of the… … Medical dictionary
estomatitis mercurial — estomatitis debida a envenenamieno agudo o crónico por mercurio asociado con lesiones necróticas y ulcerosas y coloración similar a las líneas de plomo de las encías, fuerte sabor metálico en la boca, aliento fétido, encías doloridas, salivación… … Diccionario médico
MMP8 — Matrix metallopeptidase 8 (neutrophil collagenase), also known as MMP8, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: MMP8 matrix metallopeptidase 8 (neutrophil collagenase)| url =… … Wikipedia
stomatitis — Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. [stomat + G. itis, inflammation] angular s. SYN: angular cheilitis. aphthous s. SYN: aphtha (2). epidemic s. contagious mouth … Medical dictionary
Patent medicine — E.W. Kemble s Death s Laboratory in Collier s in 1906 Patent medicine refers to medical compounds of questionable effectiveness sold under a variety of names and labels. The term patent medicine is somewhat of a misnomer because, in most cases,… … Wikipedia