
A system of writing and printing by means of raised dots corresponding to letters, numbers, and punctuation to enable the blind to read by touch. [Louis B., French teacher of blind, 18091852]

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braille 'brā(ə)l n, often cap a system of writing for the blind that uses characters made up of raised dots
braille vt, brailled; braill·ing
Braille brȧy Louis (1809-1852)
French inventor and teacher. Braille was blind and while at a school for the blind in Paris met Charles Barbier. Barbier had devised a system of writing for the blind in which simple messages coded in dots were embossed on cardboard. In 1824 Braille started work on adapting this system, developing a system in which a six-dot code represented letters and characters. He published treatises on his system in 1829 and 1837.

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an alphabet, developed by Louis Braille (1809-1852) in 1837 , in which each letter is represented by a pattern of raised dots, which are read by feeling with the finger tips. It is the main method of reading used by the blind today.

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(brāl) [Louis Braille, a French teacher of the blind, 1809–1852] a system of writing and printing for the blind by means of tangible points or dots.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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