anonymous mycobacteria
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nontuberculous mycobacteria — mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis or M. bovis. They are divided into four groups (Runyon groups) based on pigmentation and rate of growth, each containing several species. Group I includes slow growing photochromogens; group II slow growing … Medical dictionary
Mycobacterium ulcerans — Scientific classification Kingdom: Bacteria Phylum: Actinobacteria Order: Actinomycetales … Wikipedia
Mycobacterium — A genus of aerobic, nonmotile bacteria (family Mycobacteriaceae) containing Gram positive, acid fast, slender, straight or slightly curved rods; slender filaments occasionally occur, but branched forms rarely are produced. Parasitic and… … Medical dictionary
Mycobacterium — n. a genus of rodlike Gram positive aerobic bacteria that can form filamentous branching structures. Some species are pathogenic to animals and humans: M. leprae (Hansen s bacillus) causes leprosy; M. tuberculosis (Koch s bacillus) causes… … The new mediacal dictionary