musculus levator prostatae
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Musculus levator ani — Ursprung Schambein, Fascia obturatoria Ansatz Anus, Ligamentum anococcygeum … Deutsch Wikipedia
Levator ani — Musculus levator ani Ursprung Schambein, Fascia obturatoria Ansatz Anus, Ligamentum anococcygeum Funktion … Deutsch Wikipedia
Musculus pubococcygeus — Ursprung Schambein Ansatz Steißbein Funktion … Deutsch Wikipedia
M. levator ani — Musculus levator ani Ursprung Schambein, Fascia obturatoria Ansatz Anus, Ligamentum anococcygeum Funktion … Deutsch Wikipedia
musculus — SYN: muscle.For histologic description, see muscle. [L. a little mouse, a muscle, fr. mus (mur ), a mouse] musculi abdominis SYN: muscles of abdomen, under muscle. m. abductor [TA] SYN: abductor (muscle). m. abductor … Medical dictionary
musculus puboprostaticus — [TA] puboprostatic muscle: a part of the anterior portion of the pubococcygeus muscle, inserted in the prostate and the tendinous center of the perineum; innervated by the pudendal nerve, it supports and compresses the prostate and is involved in … Medical dictionary
Muscle — is the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power. There are three types of muscle in the body. Muscle which is responsible for moving extremities and external areas of the body is called "skeletal muscle." Heart… … Medical dictionary
МЫШЦЫ — МЫШЦЫ. I. Гистология. Общеморфодогически ткань сократительного вещества характеризуется наличием диференцировки в протоплазме ее элементов специфич. фибрилярной структуры; последние пространственно ориентированы в направлении их сокращения и… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
pubococcygeus — pu·bo·coc·cy·geus käk sij (ē )əs n, pl cy·gei sij ē .ī the inferior subdivision of the levator ani that arises from the dorsal surface of the pubis along a line extending from the lower part of the pubic symphysis to the obturator canal, that… … Medical dictionary