- musculus chondropharyngeus
- pars chondropharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis medii.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
musculus — SYN: muscle.For histologic description, see muscle. [L. a little mouse, a muscle, fr. mus (mur ), a mouse] musculi abdominis SYN: muscles of abdomen, under muscle. m. abductor [TA] SYN: abductor (muscle). m. abductor … Medical dictionary
pars chondropharyngea musculi constrictoris pharyngis medii — [TA] chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor muscle of pharynx: the part of the middle constrictor muscle arising from the lesser cornu of the hyoid bone; called also chondropharyngeal muscle and musculus chondropharyngeus … Medical dictionary