levator muscle of upper lip

levator muscle of upper lip
musculus levator labii superioris.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • levator muscle — ▪ anatomy       any of the muscles that raise a body part. In humans these include the levator anguli oris, which raises the corner of the mouth; the levator ani, collective name for a thin sheet of muscle that stretches across the pelvic cavity… …   Universalium

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  • musculus levator labii superioris — [TA] levator muscle of upper lip: origin, lower orbital margin; insertion, muscle of upper lip; innervation, facial nerve; action, raises upper lip …   Medical dictionary

  • musculus levator labii superioris alaeque nasi — [TA] levator muscle of upper lip and ala of nose: origin, upper part of frontal process of maxilla; insertion, cartilage and skin of ala nasi, and upper lip; innervation, infraorbital branch of facial; action, raises upper lip and dilates nostril …   Medical dictionary

  • levator labii superioris alaeque nasi — levator labii superioris alae·que na·si ā lē kwē nā .zī n a muscle that arises from the nasal process of the maxilla, that passes downward and laterally, that divides into a part inserting into the alar cartilage and one inserting into the upper… …   Medical dictionary

  • levator labii superioris — levator la·bii su·pe·ri·or·is lā bē .ī su̇ .pir ē ȯr əs n a facial muscle arising from the lower margin of the orbit and inserting into the muscular substance of the upper lip which it elevates called also quadratus labii superioris …   Medical dictionary

  • Levator labii superioris — Infobox Muscle Name = PAGENAME Latin = musculus levator labii superioris GraySubject = 108 GrayPage = 383 Caption = Muscles of the head, face, and neck. Caption2 = Origin = Medial infra orbital margin Insertion = Skin and muscle of the upper lip… …   Wikipedia

  • levator labii superioris alaeque nasi — noun A muscle of the face, dilating the nostril and elevating the upper lip. Syn: levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle …   Wiktionary

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