- botfly
- Robust, hairy fly of the order Diptera, often strikingly marked in black and yellow or gray, whose larvae produce a variety of myiasis conditions in humans and various domestic animals, especially herbivores.- head botflies flesh flies of the dipterous families Oestridae and Cuterebridae; robust, hairy, black, yellow, or gray flies that, while flying, deposit newly hatched larvae or, in some cases, eggs, on or near the nostrils of sheep, goats, deer, horses, camels, and, rarely, humans.- human b. SYN: Dermatobia hominis.
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bot·fly 'bät-.flī n, pl -flies any of various stout dipteran flies of the family Oestridae that have larvae parasitic in cavities or tissues of various mammals including humans* * *
bot·fly (botґfli) an insect of the family Oestridae whose larvae (called bots) are parasitic, especially in horses and sheep. Genera include Cuterebra, Dermatobia, Gasterophilus, and Oestrus.
Medical dictionary. 2011.