- border
- anterior b. [TA] the ventral or most forward margin of a structure. SYN: margo anterior [TA], anterior margin, ventral b..- anterior b. of body of pancreas [TA] the sharp margin between the anterior and inferior surfaces of the pancreas. SYN: margo anterior corporis pancreatis [TA], anterior b. of pancreas, margo anterior pancreatis.- anterior b. of fibula [TA] a ridge on the shaft of the fibula to which is attached the anterior intermuscular septum of the leg. SYN: margo anterior fibulae [TA].- anterior b. of lung [TA] the thin anteromedial or sternal edge of the lung that overlaps the pericardial sac anteriorly and forms the boundary between the mediastinal and costal surfaces. SYN: margo anterior pulmonis [TA].- anterior b. of radius [TA] the ridge on the shaft of the radius extending from the radial tuberosity to the anterior part of the styloid process. SYN: margo anterior radii [TA].- anterior b. of testis [TA] an imaginary convex line demarcating the lateral and medial surfaces. SYN: margo anterior testis [TA].- anterior b. of tibia [TA] the sharp subcutaneous ridge of the tibia that extends from the tuberosity to the anterior part of the medial malleolus. SYN: margo anterior tibiae [TA], anticnemion, shin, tibial crest.- anterior b. of ulna [TA] the ridge on the body of the ulna that extends from the tuberosity to the anterior part of the styloid process. SYN: margo anterior ulnae [TA].- brush b. the apical epithelial surface bearing closely packed microvilli about 2 μm long, such as occur on the cells of the proximal tubule of the nephron. SYN: limbus penicillatus.- denture b. 1. the limit or boundary or circumferential margin of a denture base; 2. the margin of the denture base at the junction of the polished surface with the impression (tissue) surface; 3. the extreme edges of a denture base at the buccolabial, lingual, and posterior limits. SYN: denture edge, periphery (2).- free b. [TA] unattached edge of a sturcture, often opposite the attached edge. See free b. of nail, free b. of ovary. SYN: margo liber [TA], free margin.- free b. of nail [TA] the distal b. of the nail that overhangs the tip of the digit. SYN: margo liber unguis [TA].- free b. of ovary [TA] the unattached, posterior margin of the ovary. SYN: margo liber ovarii [TA].- frontal b. [TA] edge of a bone that articulates with the frontal bone. See frontal b. of parietal bone, frontal margin of sphenoid. SYN: margo frontalis [TA], frontal margin.- frontal b. of parietal bone [TA] the margin of the parietal bone that articulates with the frontal bone. SYN: margo frontalis ossis parietalis [TA].- hidden b. of nail [TA] the proximal b. of the nail entirely covered by the nail wall. SYN: margo occultus unguis [TA], occult b. of nail, proximal b. of nail.- inferior b. [TA] the caudal or lowermost margin of a structure. SYN: margo inferior [TA], inferior margin.- inferior b. of body of pancreas [TA] the b. of the pancreas separating the inferior and posterior surfaces. SYN: margo inferior corporis pancreatis [TA], inferior b. of pancreas, margo inferior corporis splenis, margo inferior pancreatis.- inferior b. of liver [TA] the sharp b. of the liver that separates the diaphragmatic and visceral surfaces. SYN: margo inferior hepatis [TA].- inferior b. of lung [TA] the sharp b. of the lung that separates the diaphragmatic surface from the costal and mediastinal surfaces. SYN: margo inferior pulmonis [TA].- inferior b. of spleen [TA] lowermost edge of the spleen, which separates the lower visceral surface (area of renal impression) from the lower diaphragmatic surface. SYN: margo inferior splenis [TA].- inner b. of iris [TA] the narrow inner zone of the iris. SYN: anulus iridis minor [TA], lesser ring of iris.- interosseous b. [TA] edge of a bone to which a fibrous (interosseous) membrane is attached, by which the bone becomes attached to another bone. See interosseous b. of fibula, interosseous b. of radius, interosseous b. of tibia, interosseous b. of ulna. SYN: margo interosseus [TA], interosseous crest, interosseous margin.- interosseous b. of fibula [TA] the ridge along the medial b. of the fibula to which is attached the interosseous membrane. SYN: margo interosseus fibulae [TA].- interosseous b. of radius [TA] the ridge along the medial side of the radius to which is attached the interosseous membrane. SYN: margo interosseus radii [TA].- interosseous b. of tibia [TA] the ridge along the lateral b. of the tibia to which is attached the interosseous membrane. SYN: margo interosseus tibiae [TA].- interosseous b. of ulna [TA] the ridge along the lateral side of the body of the ulna to which is attached the interosseous membrane. SYN: margo interosseus ulnae [TA].- b. of iris [TA] either of two zones on the anterior surface of the iris, separated by a circular line concentric with the pupillary b.. SYN: anulus iridis [TA], ring of iris.- lambdoid b. of occipital bone [TA] the margin of the occipital squama that articulates with the parietal bones in the lambdoid suture. SYN: margo lambdoideus ossis occipitalis [TA], lambdoid margin of occipital bone, margo lambdoideus squamae occipitalis.- lateral b. [TA] the margin or edge of a structure which is farthest from the midline. SYN: margo lateralis [TA], lateral margin.- lateral b. of foot [TA] the b. of the foot between the small toe and the heel. SYN: margo lateralis pedis [TA], fibular (peroneal) b. of foot, margo fibularis pedis, peroneal b. of foot, fibular margin of foot.- lateral b. of humerus [TA] the ridge on the humerus that extends from the greater tubercle to the lateral epicondyle. SYN: margo lateralis humeri [TA].- lateral b. of kidney [TA] the convex narrow edge separating the anterior and posterior surfaces. SYN: margo lateralis renis [TA].- lateral b. of nail [TA] the sides of the nail extending from the proximal to the free borders. SYN: margo lateralis unguis [TA].- lateral b. of scapula [TA] the edge of the scapula extending from the glenoid fossa to the inferior angle. SYN: margo lateralis scapulae [TA].- mastoid b. of occipital bone [TA] the margin of the occipital squama that articulates with the temporal bone. SYN: margo mastoideus ossis occipitalis [TA], margo mastoideus squamae occipitalis, mastoid margin of occipital bone.- medial b. [TA] the b. of a structure closest to the medial plane. SYN: margo medialis [TA], medial margin.- medial b. of foot [TA] the inner b. of the foot extending from heel to the great toe. SYN: margo medialis pedis [TA], margo tibialis pedis, tibial b. of foot.- medial b. of humerus [TA] the ridge on the humerus extending from the crest of the lesser tubercle to the medial epicondyle. SYN: margo medialis humeri [TA].- medial b. of scapula [TA] the edge of the scapula closest to the vertebral column, extending from superior angle to inferior angle. SYN: margo medialis scapulae [TA], vertebral b. of scapula.- medial b. of suprarenal gland [TA] the paravertebral edge of the suprarenal gland. SYN: margo medialis glandulae suprarenalis [TA].- medial b. of tibia [TA] the rounded b. of the tibia that separates the posterior and medial surfaces. SYN: margo medialis tibiae [TA].- mesovarian b. of ovary [TA] the b. of the ovary to which the mesovarium is attached. SYN: margo mesovaricus ovarii, mesovarian margin of ovary.- occipital b. [TA] edge of a bone that articulates with the occipital bone. See occipital b. of parietal bone, occipital margin of temporal bone. SYN: margo occipitalis [TA], occipital margin.- occipital b. of parietal bone [TA] the posterior margin of the parietal bone that articulates with the occipital squama. SYN: margo occipitalis ossis parietalis [TA].- outer b. of iris [TA] the outer, broader of the two zones of the iris. SYN: anulus iridis major [TA], greater ring of iris.- parietal b. [TA] edge of a bone that articulates with the parietal bone. See parietal margin of frontal bone, parietal margin of greater wing of sphenoid, parietal b. of squamous part of temporal bone. SYN: margo parietalis [TA], parietal margin.- parietal b. of squamous part of temporal bone [TA] the b. of the squamous part of the temporal bone that articulates with the parietal bone. SYN: margo parietalis partis squamosae ossis temporalis [TA], margo parietalis ossis temporalis, parietal b. of temporal bone.- posterior b. of fibula [TA] the ridge on the posterior aspect of the fibula extending from the head to the medial aspect of the peroneal groove. SYN: margo posterior fibulae [TA].- posterior b. of petrous part of temporal bone [TA] the margin of the petrous part of the temporal bone that extends from the apex to the jugular notch; it articulates with the basal and jugular portions of the occipital bone. SYN: margo posterior partis petrosae ossis temporalis [TA].- posterior b. of radius [TA] the ridge on the radius that extends from the tuberosity to the tubercle on the posterior aspect of the distal extremity. SYN: margo posterior radii [TA].- posterior b. of testis [TA] the rounded posterior portion of the testis into which the vessels enter. SYN: margo posterior testis [TA].- posterior b. of ulna [TA] the sinuous palpable subcutaneous ridge on the posterior aspect of the ulna that extends from near the olecranon to the styloid process, demarcating “anterior” (flexor) from “posterior” (extensor) compartments of forearm. SYN: margo posterior ulnae [TA].- radial b. of forearm [TA] an imaginary line running along the outermost extent of the forearm separating anterior and posterior surfaces laterally. SYN: margo radialis antebrachii [TA], lateral b. of forearm, margo lateralis antebrachii.- right b. of heart [TA] the b. between the sternocostal and diaphragmatic surfaces of the heart; it is fairly well defined in fixed hearts but is rounded and indefinite in the living heart. SYN: margo dexter cordis [TA], right margin of heart.- sagittal b. of parietal bone [TA] the medial b. of the parietal bone entering into the sagittal suture. SYN: margo sagittalis ossis parietalis [TA].- squamosal b. [TA] edge of a bone that articulates with the squamous part of the temporal bone. SYN: margo squamosus [TA], squamous b., squamous margin.- squamosal b. of parietal bone [TA] the lateral b. of the parietal bone that articulates with the squamous part of the temporal bone. SYN: margo squamosus ossis parietalis [TA], squamous b. of parietal bone.- squamous b. SYN: squamosal b.. See squamosal b. of parietal bone, squamosal margin of greater wing of sphenoid.- striated b. the free surface of the columnar absorptive cells of the intestine formed by closely packed microvilli about 1 μm long, giving the appearance of parallel striations. SYN: limbus striatus.- superior b. of body of pancreas [TA] the uppermost b. of the body of the pancreas that separates the anterior and posterior surfaces. SYN: margo superior corporis pancreatis [TA], margo superior pancreatis, superior b. of pancreas.- superior b. of petrous part of temporal bone [TA] the margin that separates the anterior and posterior surfaces of the petrous part of the temporal bone and the lateral part of the middle cranial fossa from the posterior cranial fossa. SYN: margo superior partis petrosae ossis temporalis [TA], crest of petrous part of temporal bone, crest of petrous temporal bone.- superior b. of scapula [TA] the margin of the scapula that extends from the glenoid fossa to the superior angle. SYN: margo superior scapulae [TA].- superior b. of spleen [TA] the notched b. of the spleen that separates the visceral (gastric) and diaphragmatic surfaces. SYN: margo superior splenis [TA].- superior b. of suprarenal gland [TA] the b. of the suprarenal gland at the superior junction of the anterior and posterior surfaces. SYN: margo superior glandulae suprarenalis [TA].- ulnar b. of forearm [TA] an imaginary line extrapolated from the medial epicondyle of the humerus to the styloid process of the ulna, forming a b. between the anterior and posterior surfaces. SYN: margo ulnaris antebrachii [TA], margo medialis antebrachii, medial b. of forearm, ulnar margin of forearm.- b. of uterus [TA] the right or left margin of the uterus along which the broad ligament is attached. The uterine tube and round ligament attach to the uterus at the upper part of the b.. SYN: margo uteri [TA].- vermilion b. the red margin of the upper and lower lip that commences at the exterior edge of the intraoral labial mucosa (“moist line”) and extends outward, terminating at the extraoral labial cutaneous junction; a thinly keratinized type of stratified squamous epithelium deeply penetrated by well-vascularized dermal papillae which show through the translucent epidermis to impart the typical red appearance of the lips. SYN: vermilion zone, vermilion transitional zone.- zygomatic b. of greater wing of sphenoid bone SYN: zygomatic margin of greater wing of sphenoid bone.
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bor·der (borґdər) a bounding line or edge; called also margin and margo [TA].
Medical dictionary. 2011.