quantum mottle
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quantum — 1. A unit of radiant energy (ε) varying according to the frequency (ν) of the radiation. 2. A certain definite amount. [L. how much] q. mottle q. mottle. See entries under under mottle. q. rectum Q.R. [L. however much is correct] q. satis q.s. [L … Medical dictionary
mottle — Fine inhomogeneity of an area of generally uniform opacity on a photograph or radiograph; noise. [fr. motley, fr. M.E. mot, speck] quantum m. m. caused by the statistical fluctuation of the number of photons absorbed by the intensifying screens… … Medical dictionary
cut — Synonyms and related words: AWOL, French leave, Parthian shot, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Spartan, Vandyke, abandon, abate, abatement, abbreviate, abbreviated, abrade, abrasion, abridge, abridged, abscind, abscondence, absence, absence without … Moby Thesaurus