Miliaria profunda — Classification and external resources ICD 10 L74.2 Miliaria profunda (also known as Mammillaria [1]) is a skin condition characterized by non pruritic, flesh colored, deep seated, whitish papules.[ … Wikipedia
Miliaria profunda — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 L74 Krankheiten der ekkrinen Schweißdrüsen L74.0 Miliaria rubra L74.1 Mi … Deutsch Wikipedia
Miliaria — Clasificación y recursos externos CIE 10 O15 CIE 9 642.6 MedlinePlus … Wikipedia Español
Miliaria crystallina — Classification and external resources ICD 10 L74.1 Miliaria crystalline (also known as Miliaria crystallina, [1] and Sudamina ) is a skin condition characterized by small, clear, and very superficial vesicles with no inflammatory reaction … Wikipedia
Miliaria — For the bird, see Corn Bunting. Not to be confused with malaria. Miliaria Classification and external resources ICD 10 L74.0 L74.3 … Wikipedia
Miliaria (Hauterkrankung) — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 L74 Krankheiten der ekkrinen Schweißdrüsen L74.0 Miliaria rubra L74.1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Miliaria cristallina — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 L74 Krankheiten der ekkrinen Schweißdrüsen L74.0 Miliaria rubra L74.1 Mi … Deutsch Wikipedia
Miliaria rubra — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 L74 Krankheiten der ekkrinen Schweißdrüsen L74.0 Miliaria rubra L74.1 Mi … Deutsch Wikipedia
miliaria — An eruption of minute vesicles and papules due to retention of fluid at the orifices of sweat glands. SYN: miliary fever (2). [L. miliarius, relating to millet, fr. milium, millet] m. alba m. with vesicles containing a milky fluid. apocrine m.… … Medical dictionary
miliaria — /mil ee air ee euh/, n. Pathol. an inflammatory disease of the skin, located about the sweat glands, marked by the formation of vesicles or papules resembling millet seeds; prickly heat. [1700 10; < NL miliaria, L: fem. of miliarius MILIARY] * *… … Universalium