- microsporidial
- mi·cro·spo·rid·i·al (mi″kro-spə-ridґe-əl) pertaining to or caused by microsporidia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
microsporidial infection — infection of fish with any sporozoan member of the Protozoa considered to be a microsporidian … Dictionary of ichthyology
Pleistophora — A genus of microsporidians in the protozoan phylum Microspora, commonly found in fish and insects, with mononucleate, thick walled spores in clusters of more than eight. An undescribed but distinct species of P. was implicated as the cause of a… … Medical dictionary
microsporidian — mi·cro·spo·rid·i·an (mi″kro spo ridґe ən) 1. microsporidial. 2. any protozoan of the order Microsporida. 3. microsporidan … Medical dictionary