Cavernous hemangioma

Cavernous hemangioma
A type of hemangioma composed of blood-filled “lakes” and channels. It is typically raised and red or purplish. A cavernous hemangioma may diminish in size following trauma, bleeding or ulceration but it rarely disappears on its own. Small cavernous hemangiomas situated on the surface of the body may be removed or treated by electrocoagulation. Surgery is usually needed if a cavernous hemangioma causes increased growth of an extremity.

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a vascular tumor composed mainly of large dilated blood vessels that often contain large amounts of blood; the usual location is in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, or both, although it may also be found in viscera such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, or brain. Most present in early life but usually not at birth. The typical superficial lesions are bright to dark red in color; deep lesions have a blue color. Called also cavernoma, cavernous angioma, and strawberry mark or nevus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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