hyperbaric medicine

hyperbaric medicine
the treatment of disease in an environment of higher than atmospheric pressure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Hyperbaric medicine — Hyperbaric medicine, also known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the medical use of oxygen at a higher than atmospheric pressure. Uses Several therapeutic principles are made use of in HBOT: *The increased overall pressure is of therapeutic …   Wikipedia

  • Hyperbaric — Pertaining to gas pressures greater than 1 atmosphere* of pressure. Also pertaining to solutions that are more dense than the medium to which they are added. The term hyperbaric is derived from Greek roots: hyper meaning high, beyond, excessive,… …   Medical dictionary

  • medicine — 1. A drug. 2. The art of preventing or curing disease; the science concerned with disease in all its relations. 3. The study and treatment of general diseases or those affecting the internal parts of the body, especially those not usually… …   Medical dictionary

  • hyperbaric — adjective Etymology: hyper + bar + 1 ic Date: 1962 of, relating to, or utilizing greater than normal pressure especially of oxygen < a hyperbaric chamber > < hyperbaric medicine > • hyperbarically adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Medicine — This article is about the science and art of healing. For pharmaceutical drugs, see Medication. For other uses, see Medicine (disambiguation). Statue of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, holding the symbolic Rod of Asclepius with its coiled… …   Wikipedia

  • hyperbaric oxygenation — a technique for exposing a patient to oxygen at high pressure. It is used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene, compressed air illness, and acute breathing difficulties. It is also used in some cases during heart surgery. * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • hyperbaric chamber — a compartment in which the air pressure may be raised to more than normal atmospheric pressure; used in treatment of gas gangrene and other anaerobic infections, or other conditions in which a high concentration of oxygen is desirable, and for… …   Medical dictionary

  • hyperbaric oxygen — oxygen under greater than atmospheric pressure. Called also high pressure o …   Medical dictionary

  • hyperbaric solution — a solution having a greater specific gravity than a standard of reference, such as one used for spinal anesthesia having a specific gravity greater than that of the spinal fluid, causing it to migrate downward and produce anesthesia below the… …   Medical dictionary

  • medicine — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. medicament, medication, remedy; therapy, physic; medical profession. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The healing profession] Syn. medical men, healers, practitioners, doctors, physicians, surgeons, osteopaths …   English dictionary for students

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