adhesive mediastinopericarditis
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adhesive pericarditis — n pericarditis in which adhesions form between the two layers of pericardium see ACCRETIO CORDIS, CONCRETIO CORDIS * * * a condition resulting from the presence of dense fibrous tissue between the parietal and visceral layers of the pericardium.… … Medical dictionary
mediastinopericarditis — Inflammation of the pericardium and of the surrounding mediastinal cellular tissue. * * * me·di·as·ti·no·peri·car·di·tis .mē dē .as tə (.)nō .per ə .kär dīt əs n, pl dit·i·des dit ə .dēz inflammation of the mediastinum and the pericardium * * *… … Medical dictionary
cardiolysis — An obsolete operation for breaking up the adhesions in chronic mediastinopericarditis; access is gained by resection of a portion of the sternum and the corresponding costal cartilages. [cardio + G. lysis, loosening] * * * car·di·ol·y·sis… … Medical dictionary