- bite
- 1. To incise or seize with the teeth. 2. The act of incision or seizure with the teeth. 3. A morsel of food held between the teeth. 4. Term used to denote the amount of pressure developed in closing the jaws. 5. Undesirable jargon for terms such as interocclusal record, maxillomandibular registration, denture space, and interarch distance. 6. A wound or puncture of the skin made by animal or insect. [A.S. bitan]- balanced b. SYN: balanced occlusion.- biscuit b. SYN: maxillomandibular record.- close b. SYN: small interarch distance.- closed b. reduced vertical interarch distance with excessive vertical overlap of the anterior teeth.- working b. SYN: working contacts, under contact.* * *Bulimic Investigatory Test
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1) to seize esp. with teeth or jaws so as to enter, grip, or wound2) to wound, pierce, or sting esp. with a fang or a proboscis vi to bite or have the habit of biting somethingbite n2) a wound made by biting* * *
(bīt) 1. the forcible closure of the lower against the upper teeth. 2. the measure of force exerted in the closure of the teeth. 3. a record of the relationship of upper and lower teeth, in occlusion, obtained by biting into a mass of modeling substance. 4. the part of an artificial tooth on the lingual side between the shoulder and the incisal edge of the tooth. 5. a wound or puncture made by the teeth or other parts of the mouth. 6. a morsel of food.
Medical dictionary. 2011.