mal rouge

mal rouge
(rzh) [Fr. “red sickness”] a syndrome occurring after inhalation or ingestion of calcium cyanamide followed by drinking an alcoholic beverage, marked by intense flushing, rapid pulse and pounding heart, panting respiration, and perception of the taste and smell of acetaldehyde in the exhaled breath, which may be followed by nausea, vomiting, and a rapid fall in blood pressure. The extent and severity of the symptoms depend on the amount of calcium cyanamide and alcohol in the system. It is due to the inhibition by calcium cyanamide of enzymes required for oxidation of acetaldehyde formed from alcohol, resulting in a buildup of acetaldehyde, which causes altered vascular reactions. A similar syndrome, also due to accumulation of acetaldehyde, occurs on ingestion of disulfiram followed by drinking an alcoholic beverage; this also includes impaired taste, unpleasant breath and perspiration, and lessened sexual potency.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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