- MacKay-Marg electronic tonometer
- Mac·Kay-Marg electronic tonometer (mə-kaґ mahrgґ) [Ralph Stuart MacKay, American biophysicist, born 1924; Elwin Marg, American physicist, born 1918] see under tonometer.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
MacKay-Marg electronic tonometer — an electronic applanation tonometer equipped with a flat plunger which measures intraocular pressure by direct application to the cornea … Medical dictionary
impression tonometer — indentation tonometer an instrument that measures intraocular pressure by direct pressure on the eyeball, such as the Schiшtz, McLean, or MacKay Marg electronic tonometer … Medical dictionary
tonometer — 1. An instrument for determining pressure or tension, especially an instrument for determining ocular tension. 2. A vessel for equilibrating a liquid ( e.g., blood) with a gas, usually at a controlled temperature; originally so named because it… … Medical dictionary
Tonometry — In music, a tonometer is an instrument used to determine the pitch or vibration rate of tones, such as a tuning fork. Tonometry is the measurement of tension or pressure [http://www.mercksource.org/pp/us/cns/cns hl… … Wikipedia
Ocular tonometry — This article is about Ocular tonometry. For Gastric Tonometry, see Gastric tonometry. Ocular tonometry Intervention A patient in front of a tonometer ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia