long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase
- long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase
- long-chain-fat·ty-ac·id–CoA li·gase (long chān fatґe asґid ko-aґ liґgās) [EC] an enzyme of the ligase class that catalyzes the formation of acyl coenzyme A from long chain fatty acids (12 or more carbons) and coenzyme A, using energy derived from ATP hydrolysis. The enzyme occurs in the mitochondrial outer membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, and peroxisome membrane, and it acts on saturated and unsaturated fatty acids as well as some hydroxy acids. Called also acyl CoA synthetase.
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acid–CoA ligase (GDP-forming) — ac·id–CoA li·gase (GDP forming) (asґid ko aґ liґgās formґing) [EC] an enzyme of the ligase class that catalyzes the formation of acyl coenzyme A from long chain fatty acids (12 or more carbons) and coenzyme A, using the energy… … Medical dictionary
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