
The science concerned with the phenomena of life and living organisms. [bio- + G. logos, study]
- cellular b. SYN: cytology.
- molecular b. study of phenomena in terms of b. molecular (or chemical) interactions; traditionally, the focus of molecular b. is more specific than biochemistry in that it has an emphasis on chemical interactions involved in the replication of DNA, its “transcription” into RNA, and its “translation” into or expression in protein, i.e., in the chemical reactions connecting genotype and phenotype.
- oral b. that aspect of b. devoted to the study of biological phenomena associated with the oral cavity in health and disease ( e.g., dental caries, mastication, periodontal disease).
- pharmaceutical b. SYN: pharmacognosy.
- radiation b. field of science that studies the biological effects of ionizing radiation.

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bi·ol·o·gy -jē n, pl -gies
1) a branch of science that deals with living organisms and vital processes
2 a) the plant and animal life of a region or environment
b) the laws and phenomena relating to an organism or group
3) a treatise on biology

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the study of living organisms - plants, animals, and microorganisms - including their structure and function and their relationships with one another and with the inanimate world.
biological adj.

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bi·ol·o·gy (bi-olґə-je) [bio- + -logy] the science that deals with the phenomena of life and living organisms in general. biologic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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