shock wave lithotripsy

shock wave lithotripsy
extracorporeal shock wave l.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy — A technique for shattering a kidney stone or gallstone with a shock wave produced outside the body. To focus on kidney stones here, there are several methods available for producing an acoustical or ultrasonic big bang which can be focused from… …   Medical dictionary

  • ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) — A technique for shattering a kidney stone or gallstone with a shock wave produced outside the body. There are several methods available for producing an acoustical or ultrasonic big bang which can be focused from outside onto the kidney and the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave — A technique for shattering a kidney stone or gallstone with a shock wave produced outside the body. To focus on kidney stones here, there are several methods available for producing an acoustical or ultrasonic big bang which can be focused from… …   Medical dictionary

  • shock wave therapy — lithotripsy. * * * …   Universalium

  • shock wave therapy — lithotripsy …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lithotripsy — Procedure to break a stone into small particles that can be passed in the urine. * * * The crushing of a stone in the renal pelvis, ureter, or bladder, by mechanical force or focused sound energy. SYN: lithotrity. [litho + G. tripsis, a rubbing]… …   Medical dictionary

  • lithotripsy — /lith euh trip see/, n., pl. lithotripsies. the pulverization and removal of urinary calculi using a lithotripter. Also called shock wave therapy. [1825 35; LITHO + Gk trîps(is) rubbing, wear + Y3; see LITHOTRIPTER] * * * …   Universalium

  • Hydrostatic shock — The term hydrostatic shock describes the theory that a penetrating projectile produces remote wounding and incapacitating effects in living targets, in addition to local effects in tissue caused by direct impact, through a hydraulic effect in… …   Wikipedia

  • Литотрипсия (Lithotripsy) — 1. Разрушение конкрементов (камней) с помощью специальных волн, которые приводят к раздроблению имеющихся в мочевом пузыре камней. В случае экстракорпоральной волновой литотрипсии (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)), применяемой для… …   Медицинские термины

  • electrohydraulic lithotripsy — a method used for large calculi; a high capacity condenser creates a high voltage spark between two electrodes at the tip of a probe; in a fluid filled organ this creates a hydraulic shock wave that can be directed toward a calculus, causing it… …   Medical dictionary

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