
1. To confine or encircle with a band or bandage. 2. To join together with a band or ligature. 3. To combine or unite molecules by means of reactive groups, either in the molecules per se or in a chemical added for that purpose; frequently used in relation to chemical bonds that may be fairly easily broken ( i.e., noncovalent), as in the binding of a toxin with antitoxin, or a heavy metal with a chelating agent, etc. 4. A close interpersonal relationship in which one person feels compelled to act in a certain way to obtain the approval of the other person. [A.S. bindan]
- double b. a type of personal interaction in which one receives two mutually conflicting verbal or nonverbal instructions or demands from the same person or different individuals, resulting in a situation in which either compliance or noncompliance with either alternative threatens one of the needed relationships.

* * *

bind 'bīnd vb, bound 'bau̇nd; bind·ing vt
1) to wrap up (an injury) with a cloth: BANDAGE <\binding up the gash with clean gauze>
2) to take up and hold usu. by chemical forces: combine with <cellulose \binds water>
3) to make costive: CONSTIPATE vi
1 a) to form a cohesive mass
b) to combine or be taken up esp. by chemical action <antibody \binds to a specific antigen>
2) to hamper free movement
bind n
1) something that binds
2) the act of binding: the state of being bound see DOUBLE BIND

* * *

(bīnd) 1. to wrap with a binder or bandage. 2. to form a weak, reversible chemical bond, e.g., antigen to antibody or hormone to receptor. 3. a predicament or dilemma.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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