- ligamentum temporomandibulare
- l. laterale articulationis temporomandibularis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
ligamentum — SYN: ligament. [L. a band, tie, fr. ligo, to bind] l. acromioclaviculare [TA] SYN: acromioclavicular ligament. l. anococcygeum SYN: anococcygeal ligament. l. anulare [TA] SYN: anular ligament. l. anulare bulbi SYN: trabecular tissue of sclera. l … Medical dictionary
ligamentum laterale articulationis temporomandibularis — [TA] lateral ligament of temporomandibular joint: a strong triangular fibrous band that is attached superiorly by its base to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, passes down on the lateral side of the joint in contact with the capsule,… … Medical dictionary
Ligament — A ligament is a tough band of connective tissue that connects various structures such as two bones. Ligament is a fitting term; it comes from the Latin ligare meaning to bind or tie. * * * 1. A band or sheet of fibrous tissue connecting two or… … Medical dictionary
Temporomandibular ligament — Infobox Ligament Name = Temporomandibular ligament Latin = ligamentum laterale articulationis temporomandibularis, ligamentum temporomandibulare GraySubject = 75 GrayPage = 297 Caption = Articulation of the mandible. Lateral aspect. From =… … Wikipedia
Свя́зка — ( и) (ligamentum, a, PNA, BNA, JNA) соединительно тканное волокнистое образование в виде пучка, тяжа или пластины, соединяющее кости (синдесмоз) или входящее в состав удерживающего (подвешивающего) аппарата внутренних органов; кроме того, С.… … Медицинская энциклопедия