
European white birch, bark and leaves of B. alba (family Betulaceae); native to Europe, northern Asia, and North America, north of Pennsylvania. It contains betulin (b. camphor), betuloresinic acid, volatile oil, saponins, betulol (sesquiterpine alcohol), apigenin, dimethyl ether, betuloside, gaultherin, methyl salicylate, and ascorbic acid; has odor of wintergreen and is used as a pharmaceutic aid (flavor/aromatic).

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Bet·u·la 'bech-ə-lə n a genus of trees and shrubs (family Betulaceae) of arctic and temperate regions of the northern hemisphere comprising the birches and including one (B. lenta) which is the source of birch oil

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Bet·u·la (betґu-lə) [L.] the birches, a genus of deciduous trees of the family Betulaceae, native to the Northern Hemisphere. B. alґba L. is the white birch, whose bark yields birch tar oil. B. lenґta is the black birch, whose bark is a source of methyl salicylate.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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