
An alkaloid from Hydrastis canadensis (family Berberidaceae); has been used as an antimalarial, antipyretic, and carminative, and externally for indolent ulcers.

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ber·ber·ine 'bər-bə-.rēn n a bitter crystalline yellow alkaloid C20H19NO5 obtained from the roots of various plants (as barberry) and used as a tonic and antiperiodic

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ber·ber·ine (burґbər-ēn) an alkaloid obtained from species of Berberis and other plants of the family Berberidaceae, as well as from Hydrastis canadensis; it has antimicrobial activity and has been used in treatment of various infections, as well as in ulcer dressings.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • berberine — [bʉr′bər ēn΄, bʉr′bərin΄] n. [< ModL berberina < ML barberis,BARBERRY] a bitter, yellow alkaloid, C20H17NO4·6H2O or C20H19NO5·6H2O, obtained from barberry and other plants: it is used as a dye and as a drug in treating malaria, fever, or… …   English World dictionary

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  • berberine — I. ˈbərbəˌrēn, rə̇n noun ( s) Etymology: German berberin, from New Latin Berberis + German in ine : a bitter crystalline yellow alkaloid C20H19NO5 obtained from the roots of the barberry, goldenseal, and other plants and used as a tonic and… …   Useful english dictionary

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